Finn & Rebecca

Finn & Rebecca

Friday, November 12, 2010


BFN stands for BIG FAT NEGATIVE in the lingo of an IF.

Seems as if I have run out of time for my DNA to procreate.

And yet we had two perfectly healthy conceptions just years ago...just in the wrong place. How close.

I am trying not to question how this child will come to me while mourning the loss of all that goes with saying farewell to my sentimental ideal.

Sad and tired.


  1. I'm so sorry Cam - was really hoping that this was your time.

  2. Camilla I am so sorry. Having been through something similar I can relate to what you must be feeling. I know we should not question these things but I certainly have and still do. My thoughts are with you and your husband. God bless and may he help you through this time of mourning xx

  3. so sorry aunty cam xxx we sending you and henk all our love

  4. So sorry Cam, was hoping this will be your lucky time!! I have no words... its so hard if you just don't know what to feel, think and do.

    May God be with you and DH.

  5. I understand Cam and I am so sorry .......I wish that it could have been different.

  6. Oh God Cam I am so sorry to read this news. Sucks major hairballs - I am so so so sorry.

    Thinking of you.


  7. Dear Cam, I am so so sorry - I wanted so badly for you to get your dream. I admire you for your bravery my angel but know how hard IF can be on the soul. Sending you love and light xx May the way forward show itself to you in time, thinking of you as you get through this terrible time xxx Chloe

  8. Hi Cam. Am only catching up now... So so sorry, I wish it could be different for you. Sending you lots of love. Marina xxx
