Finn & Rebecca

Finn & Rebecca

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Two Too Cute

Two cute
Well, this age is even more wonderful and every day brings new delights and amusement and frustration in varying degrees. The twins are learning new skills at lightning speed and are super sharp. They have started pushing boundaries, challenging authority and laughing in the face of danger (me in cross mode) but sometimes are so damn cute doing it that I have to resist the impulse to laugh.

They are talking so well linking concepts and words together so perfectly sometimes, I wonder if I heard right. They are up to 7 or more word sentences and can clearly articulate a wide variety of emotions, needs and wants. The latter most effectively of course - usually with accompanying whining or crying.

Finn has taken to stripping off his nappy at bedtime, then falling asleep and wetting the bed, so when I go in to check, I have to re-dress him in his sleep.  I have started taping his nappy down with duct tape - last night I did this for the first time and he looks at me and says "Finny not take nappy off" chuckle, "Finn has sticker, not Becky" chuckle chuckle...damn cute!

Those eyes....
Becky is quite officious with pointed finger telling Finn what to do and also says really long sentences like "Finny no, you naughty, take this there" and so on. She is so good at telling me if something is worrying her like "Mummy head sore" or "Mummy sore put coconut oil on all better".  They are starting to grasp the understanding that they are seperate people but still say things like "mummy help you me".  They are learning their colours now and can count to 5 and sometimes to 10. They are both obsessed with playing in the garden, watering plants, eating catfood, drawing and wanting whatever the other one has.

They are quick to hit each other but say sorry almost while doing it so we haven't started time outs as yet. They do play quite well together but also have many quarrels and often fight over the same toy - still learning the sharing thing.

Finn doesn't wake up anymore at night at all which is amazing and they are napping for about 2 hours during the day and then go to bed at 7pm until about 5h30/6am.  They have started chatting, shouting, playing and singing after we close their door at night but eventually fall asleep at about 8pm and so while they used to sleep for a full 12 hours, this has reduced to 10 hours now - I wonder if we should shorten their daynap or if this is just summer / light / normal.

All in all...loving every moment!!!


  1. Cammy, each time I see pics of these gorgeous little people I am just blown away how utterly BEAUTIFUL they are! Really. They are such a gorgeous pair.

  2. These children have the MOST amazing eyes! Just absolutely gorgeous they are! Enjoy every moment - even the challenging ones!


  3. Cam, your kids are stunning, and sounds like they are just blowing your mind with their fast development. As for the sleep question, we are also down to about 10 at night now with 2-3 in the afternoon and for now I am fine with it as they seem happy and we get extra time with them in the evenings after work. Go with what works for you.

    1. Tx hun - am loving more time with them so think I will push bedtime out ;) xx

  4. My dad was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.
