Finn & Rebecca

Finn & Rebecca

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mayan Cozumel - a shrine to Ixchel

I have my heart set on Mexico. After researching where we would go if we could add Mexico onto the trip, I am sure it has to be the Yucatan Peninsula. And on this trip, we have to go to Isla Cozumel. As a shrine to the goddess of fertility, Cozumel was one of the most important places of pilgrimage in the Yucatan in the centuries before the Spanish Conquest. A visit here was seen as especially important for childless women...

And if I had a girl, the name I keep getting is "Maya". So. We have to go.

Major snag though is the fact that we have to fly to Pretoria and appear in person at the Mexican Embassy - NOT negotiable - to get our Visas. I do not see this as a reason to forget the idea - we will simply have to do it.

So exciting planning this trip! Am waiting for final costs from the travel agent but so committed to going already, we just have to make it work. We will also go to Chichen Itza, Coba, Tulum, Playa del Carmen, Isla Mujeres and of course Cancun....soooooo looking forward to an amazing adventure! White sand, turquoise water, Mexico culture and Mayan we come...?

1 comment:

  1. Got your visas and ready to go,go,go. You are going to have the best time and enjoy evey minute of it im sure. PS:Maya is a beautiful name. x
