Finn & Rebecca

Finn & Rebecca

Thursday, June 9, 2011

17 Weeks!

17 Weeks today!  And my Mexican Bola arrived. So I now have a tinkly silver ball hanging around my neck which plays soothing tinkly sounds to my babes as it bounces against my bump.  After birth, the sound apparently may soothe them. So sweet.

The email from Babycentre today says "You may be gaining weight rapidly at this point, even if you're not eating much. Experts say that the amount of weight you put on during pregnancy is dictated primarily by your genes, so don't necessarily blame yourself if the weight's accumulating faster than you'd like. Your baby's movements are felt as a gentle, fluttering sensation at first, but get stronger and more obvious as time passes. Some babies kick vigorously and often, others are quieter. And many seem most active at night"

I think my genes are seriously into weight because I think I have put on about 8kg since falling pregnant!!! There seem to be mixed views on this.  Some say 14kg max, others say twin pregnancies must put on more weight - at least 25kg. 

About the movement...can't really feel them yet.  Did feel a few popping, bubbly feelings but nothing for a while.  I even listened to them with the doppler this morning just to say hi and there they were, hearts beating strong. The next thing to look forward to is to start feeling them often...can't wait.

Next scan: Tuesday yeah!


  1. I've heard how lovely the Bola can be. Was tempted to buy myself one 'just because'! So glad it is all going so beautifully.
    There is alot of hoo haa around the weight gain. My SIL put on 27kg with her first baby and 22kg with the second. But her cravings were for full fat milk and tubs and tubs of ice cream.

  2. First time I hear of a Bola, somthing to keep in mind when it is my turn!

  3. Ha ha ha...I ate a WHOLE tub of Haagen Daz the other night - cookies and cream...could have something to do with it - just couldn't stop lol

  4. Cam...thanks ever so much for stopping by my blog! Us DE mammas need to stick together. I will add you to my blog list too!

    I know...I am a nervous wreck about this pg. Prior pg loss considerably adds a different dimension to the IF journey. I am 34w2d and I am sweating bullets - have been since day one. PG is a 40 week white knuckle ride I know. But love your blog quote "Keep Calm and Carry On". One foot in front of the other...

    Looking forward to following your journey!

  5. Hey Cam..don't stress the weight. I only had a singleton and I put on 20 kgs, should have been between 9-12 kgs..yah right. As much as I am battling now to loose the extra ton, I do not regret it for one moment....(I lived on condensed milk for a few months)

  6. I stumbled upon your blog via "Wanted: One Good Embryo". Just want to say hello from a fellow DE IVF mom to twins (two girls here). There is lots of sad news in the IF world lately but trust that twin pregnancies can go smoothly too. I hope you find this true for your pregnancy and wishing you the best. is my semi-private blog (not listed on my profile)
