Finn & Rebecca

Finn & Rebecca

Thursday, October 11, 2012

More snot and sleep adventures

And just as we thought we had landed in peaceful sleep land, poor little Becky has a snotty nose again.  So at 10pm she woke up very miserable and snotty and couldn't breathe nicely.  I left her to cry a little but after 10 minutes it was unbearable.  So I googled.  And it says do not sleep train when sick.  So I went into her room and tried to soothe her.  She started crying again and after 45 minutes of on and off again crying and misery, I eventually dosed her with some meds.  She finally went back to sleep and slept until morning.

Finn has also started changing his bedtime behaviour...instead of drinking his bottle in my arms and then drifting off peacefully to sleep in his cot, he becomes loud and hyper and refuses his bottle and stands up in his cot playing with the curtains instead of self soothing himself to sleep. At least he doesn't really cry. So it seems a little sleep training with our boy is going to be needed.  I think the take-out is...nothing stays the same and especially with two prepared for something to change everyday!

Sleeptime adventures dear babies...keeping mom and dad on their toes lol!


  1. Oh yes! The minute you think you have a good routine down, BAM, it changes! LOL! Lola was the same as Finn. We ended up having to start her bedtime routine at an hour before bed, to allow her playtime before bath and after bath.
    They sure do like to keep you on your toes! Just keep at it Mommy! And I sure do hope Little Miss is feeling better soon!

  2. Oh gosh yes, every little thing that change can lead to more sleep training.
