Finn & Rebecca

Finn & Rebecca

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fert Report #1

Got an sms first thing this morning...which I thought was strange as usually I have to call in at 11am.  Anyway, 9 of the 10 have fertilised!!!

6 of the 7 that were left naturally with the little guys, fertilised and all 3 that were ICSI'd also fertilised.

So still looking great! I keep reminding myself, all we need is one to make it all the way...just one...

But this is a numbers and luck game, and anything can happen...

Next step: Tomorrow's fert report...


  1. Awesome news!!! 90% fertilisation, excellent

    Hang in there till tomorrow

  2. Cam it looks to me like the numbers are on your side! This is looking awesome, I know it is one day at a time, but I am getting very excited for you!

  3. Okay so maybe this cylce has led me to looe the plot, but when I had to type the magic bizarre words that allow me to post a comment, this is what I had to type: pregnspi! Is it just me or do you see the word pregnant there! I'm taking this as a sign for you honey. I am so holding everything crossed that this is your time!

  4. Brilliant stuff! Just keep taking it one day at a time. You've got onto an eggcellent (hehe see what I did there) start and I'm feeling very hopeful and excited for you guys!


  5. Hee hee Mommyinwaiting - LOVE it!!!

    LOL theclam - it really is eggcellent :)xx
