Finn & Rebecca

Finn & Rebecca

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Top 10

Got an sms this morning just after ER saying we got 7 eggs.

And, I admit, disappointment did creep in a little...I was so hoping for a number over 10. But I quickly adjusted my ideal to a new thought - being - just one perfect embie please.

Then I got an email saying....Final count is 10 eggs. 7 will be IVF fertilised (meaning left alone with the little guys to see what happens naturally) and 3 will be ICSI'd (choosing the best looking little guys, cutting off their tails and injecting them directly into the egg)...So I am feeling so much more optimistic! I only ever got 3 or 4 eggs, so 10 is totally awesome. A wonderful top 10.

Next step...fertilisation report at 11am tomorrow...

Then, fert reports day-by-day and depending on what is happening...embryo transfer will be scheduled. This is because we don't know how many eggs will fertilise, how embryos will develop etc. If only a few fertilise then they may want to do a day 3 transfer. If there are many and they are growing well and on time, then they will want to wait until they become blastocysts and then transfer the best ones on day 5.

How wonderful that would get to day 5 with good looking blasts.


  1. That is fabulous! Yah for the number 10 - double digits of eggies to work with. Will be back to check on fert report. Keeping everything crossed for you.

  2. Yes 10 is wonderful!!! Now they must get to the best blasts ever!!

  3. Awesome news! What a relief 7 to 10! Sending those embies lotsa love and grow vibes. You're so gonna make it to transfer!!!

    Please KUP and hang in there during the wait

  4. What a GREAT outcome Cammy! Can't wait to read more! Crossing my stuffs!!

  5. Thats great Cam. A really good result.Can't wait to hear the fert result.

  6. How absolutley wonderful! 10 GREAT eggs :) Whooooooo hoooooooo! It's all happening!

